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Release Notes

1.0.472024-06-12There's now a special rule for checking heading level consistency. Set the context to check-heading-levels.
1.0.462024-05-27You can now edit ignored rules in a separate window.
1.0.452024-04-24- Bug fix: There's now a check whether you have a Flare project open before processing.
1.0.442024-03-27You can now ignore specific rule violations by right-clicking a violation in the Violations window.
1.0.432024-03-07FIXED: There was a problem related to the caching functionality, where in some cases, the cached response would be triggered even if the rule has changed.
1.0.422024-03-06Performance related bug fixes.
1.0.412024-02-22There's now a button to clear the cache, and the cachefolder moved.
1.0.402024-02-21- The "Anytext" context now covers any element with a text node as a direct child.
- Rule violations are now cached for 30 days.
1.0.39- Corrected a problem in the Regex function, where inline elements were not always unbound.
1.0.38- Resolved an issue pertaining to CSS/XPATH conversion.
- Addressed a defect causing duplicate entries in the violations list.
1.0.37- Bug fix related to using XPATH instead of CSS in the context.
1.0.36- License agreement update.
1.0.35- License validation bug fix.
1.0.34- Fixed a bug in the license validation code.
1.0.33- Line breaks in CSV file are replaced with a space.
- Validate all open files.
- Maintain rule files in CSV format.
1.0.322022-12-14- /Project/Users folder exclusion in CSS query scans.
- :emptybreaking pseudo selector to target empty elements.
- Bug fix in licensing functionality.
- Changed timeout limit for rules from 15 to 20 seconds.
1.0.312022-11-25- Bug fix: Error message when right-clicking a cell in the Violations window.
1.0.302022-08-01- Bug fixes:
- p[MadCap:conditions=''] context conversion to XPath.
- .mqignore function issue for snippets linked from a topic.
- FileNameRegex function for all Flare files.
1.0.292022-05-09- New FEATURES:
- Run ad-hoc CSS searches.
- Validate XHTML of all topics.
- BUG fixes:
- Cosmetic issue in the preview window.
- Bug in the RawRegex function.
1.0.282022-03-17- Removed Google prettyprint dependency.
- Non-breaking spaces in HTML preview.
- CSV file shows actual word from rule.
- MS-20210413120632 rule update.
- Bug fix: TOC entry link to bookmark scan issue.
NOTE: Changes to rules only apply to newly created rule sets.
1.0.272022-03-08- Bug fix to the filter functionality.
1.0.262022-03-01- Extended bug reporting via email.
- Bug fix in .ignore-functionality.
- Support for non-XElement XNode in xpath statements.
- Rule for finding images without ALT texts.
1.0.252021-12-06- Fixed problem with files in /Project/Users/.../Backups in scan.
- Changed timeout limit for rules.
- REGEX matching with attributes.
- New dialog for no broken rules.
- XML log mode.
- Folders in the rule violation window.
- Performance improvements.
- Filtering of broken rules.
- .mqignore file for ignoring files.
- Fixed license validator issue.
1.0.242021-11-10- Fixed License key problem.
1.0.232021-11-03- Correction to REGEX of MS-20210413120609 rule.
- Bug fix: MadCap:concept conversion.
- Updated license terms.
1.0.222021-10-30- Fixed REGEX expressions registration bug.
- Changed REGEX of MS-20210413120633.
- Fixed MadCap:concept conversion to XPath.
- Bug fix in REGEX for space at start of element.
- Performance improvements.
- Change in MS-20210413120548 rule.
- Fixed RawRegex function.
- ":empty" selector includes non-breaking spaces.
- RegexInline function.
1.0.212021-07-23- Use XPath statements for context.
- Topics no longer time out at 90 seconds.
- Various bug fixes.
1.0.202021-05-26- Corrected spelling errors.
- Fixed licensing issue.
1.0.192021-05-22- Enabled silent mode on installer.
- Option to link to rule file in remote location.
- Added Google Developer Style Guide rules.
- Corrections to template rule set.
- Results window closes automatically.
- Process any Flare XML file.
1.0.18- Bug fix: Plugin crash when a topic contains an image linked to the web.
1.0.17- Fixed a bug in the RawRegex function.
1.0.16- Removed "annotate element" function.
- Added timeout for rules and files.
1.0.15- Bug fixes in default rules.
- Validation of all default rules.
- Added "RawRegex" function.
- Corrected bug for Assert type rules.
1.0.14- Disabled write good rules by default.
- Corrected bugs in "Word" & "ListOfWord" functions.
- Corrected "index is out of bounds" bug.
- Changed MS-20210413120543 rule.
1.0.13- Rule template added as default rule set.
- FileNameRegex now works with Assert type rules, context, and regex pattern.
1.0.12- Updated GUI texts.
- Fallback validation.
- Fixed bug in rules spreadsheet conversion.
1.0.11- Performance improvements.
1.0.10- Added "Text" context.
- Removed GUI support for adding rules from http-location.
- Added "scan a random topic".
- Updated internal CSS to XPath engine.
1.0.9- Performance enhancements.
1.0.8- REGEX based rule timeout handling.
- Automatic 14 day free trial.
1.0.7- Corrected "FileNameRegex" function bug.
- Added more default rules.
- Activated all rules.
- Added tabs for rule categories.
- Extended trial.
- Various rule changes.
1.0.6- Corrected en/em-dash rule.
- Added message box in results window.
- Parallel file processing.
- Added progress bar.
- Disabled intensive rules in default template.
1.0.5- Fixed "IgnoreCase" setting issue.
- Feature to use rules at other locations.
- Button to open folders with rules.
- Corrected bugs in rule sets.
- Corrected resize bug in results window.
1.0.4- Results window no longer stays on top.
- Processing modal window behavior.
1.0.3- Regular expressions operate on strings without inline tags.
- Added Microsoft Manual of Style rules.
- Added progress bar and cancel button.
1.0.2- Regular expressions operate on element string value with tags replaced.
1.0.1- Bug fixes.